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Sue would like to welcome you to Just Peachy Florist. She loves working in her home-based floral studio in Wouldham Rochester Kent. She's very passionate about flowers and everything floral. She creates and delivers bouquets and arrangements in and around the Kent and South London area. See our delivery page.

She is very proud of what she does in providing excellent quality flowers, from a small thank you bouquet to a big wedding. She picks the best, fresh flowers designed around your own specific requirements. Whether it’s designing Wedding Flowers, creating sympathetic Funeral Flowers or delivering for special occasions. Whether welcoming customers old and new Sue always gives a warm, welcoming friendly service, where nothing is too much trouble. She values all her customers, giving them the same care and attention, on the phone, as she does in person.

Just Peachy Florist has designs and creates a full range of floral gifts, bouquets and arrangements for all occasions – whatever you need flowers for and whenever, the talented team is there to help. 

Your wedding day should be as unique as your love for each either. Flowers are entwined throughout your whole special day - from a bridal bouquet to compliment your wedding dress, making the flower girl feel magical, groomsmen proudly wearing buttonholes, floral displays to transform your wedding venue. From an intimate wedding gathering to a grand affair we promise, Your wedding. Your way. 

At such a sad time of loss, we find flowers speak a thousand words of emotions. The beauty of flowers helps guide us through the darkest days, they provide comfort to those grieving and offer a thoughtful way to remember our loved ones. 

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